NNP Blog
U.S. Coinage Ledgers for 1875-1907 Digitized at the National Archives
Did you ever wonder where the mintage figures in the Guide Book to United States Coins come from? In most cases they’ve been ferreted out piece by piece from U.S. Mint records at the National Archives (NARA). Walter Breen, under the sponsorship of Wayte Raymond, did much of this work in the 1950s. Complicating the research is that there is no single source at NARA where this information is recorded. The information is where you find it, and to this end Roger W. Burdette has recently digitized six ledgers covering daily and monthly coinage reports, by Mint, for the period 1875-1906. These volumes are available on Newman Portal, and now anyone can investigate these mintage figures directly from the original source. Sharpen your calculator, and you might find a mistake in the Red Book!
Link to U.S. Mint coinage figures from the National Archives on Newman Portal: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/archivedetail/524535