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Feb 04 2018

NNP Search of the Week: Robinson Hartford Numismatist

This week a Newman Portal user searched for “Robinson Hartford Numismatist.” Pete Smith’s American Numismatic Biographies quickly identifies Alfred S. Robinson (1836-1878) of Hartford, CT, who commissioned copies of colonial rarities in addition to personal trade cards. From there we find mention, in a Fred Lake literature sale, of the monograph Alfred S. Robinson-Hartford Numismatist, published by the Connecticut Historical Society in 1968. Lake describes the work as a “28 page treatise on Robinson who began, in 1860, to produce copies of many of the most famous numismatic treasures-fully illustrated.” While Newman Portal does not have a copy of the monograph, we now know that it exists and that a copy can be found in the Connecticut Historical Society library. Newman Portal further identifies other pieces attribution to Robinson, such as an 1860 medal honoring Fulton’s steamboat, cataloged in Collector’s Auctions, Ltd. sale of March 1988 (lot 302). Many of the 19th century copies are well-done and today collectible in their own right, and collectors studying Robinson pieces will find extensive related information via the Newman Portal.

Link to Pete Smith’s American Numismatic Biography database on Newman Portal:

Link to Fred Lake literature sales on Newman Portal:

Link to Johnson and Jensen (later Collector’s Auction, Ltd.) catalogs on Newman Portal:

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