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The E-Sylum (12/29/2013)

Book Content

Pete Smith submitted these images of Chicago Coin Company items. Thanks! -Editor

I was interested in Bill Burd's comments about producing the first coin bag with a website address. Coin bags are collectible. My collection is small in number but large in volume, filling two "Banker's Boxes." I kept one from the Chicago Coin Company because Bill is a friend. A scan is attached.

Chicago Coin Company coin bag

Chicago Coin Company cookie tin I also have a cookie tin given out by the Chicago Coin Company about ten years ago. It is about ten inches in diameter and a bit too wide for my scanner. An image is attached. I think this is appropriate for the season. So far, this is the only numismatic cookie tin in my collection.

To read the earlier article, see: EARLY COIN DEALER PHONE NUMBERS (

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