The E-Sylum (12/29/2013)
Book Content
New subscribers this week include Adam Stump, Deputy Director, Office of Corporate Communications United States Mint; Kenneth Rowland, and Rai Arnold. Welcome aboard! We have 1,682 email subscribers, plus 259 followers on Facebook.
We're back! Thanks to Bruce Perdue for helping get the word out that this issue would be late. I was traveling with my family for the holiday and got held up for a good reason - the birth of a son to my wife's niece.
I had most of the issue ready to go before our trip, but the delay allowed me to add a number of new contributions, making this last issue of the year a whopper. I was unable to respond to everyone's email, but I should get caught up in the next few days. Happy New Year, everyone!
This week we open with a note on the latest Asylum issue, three new numismatic books, and a review of Fred Reed's book on Civil War Stamp Envelopes. Other topics include steam press era adjustment marks, the Churchill Crown, optical illusions on coins and medals, a proposed database for topical coin collectors, and did you hear I was drunk the day my ma got out of prison?
To learn more about retrocession, anaglyptography, the Samuel Hart playing cards tokens, the City of New Orleans, counterfeit numismatic books, and tight jeans, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum