The E-Sylum (11/24/2013)
Book Content
This week's Featured Web Site is suggested by Bruce W. Smith, who writes:I found a site that may be of interest to our readers: The Coining Technology Heritage Project. This project cover the first three centuries of coining presses.
From the site:
Our aim is to locate and document minting machines, tools and processes of the 16, 17 and 18th centuries. Findings show that these artifacts are often hidden away in storage rooms and known only by museum staff. Our team, based in Mannheim, welcomes all information and possible leads to helping find and document these machines and tools in museums or private collections around the world.
This is a unique project intended to document the mechanical, in series production of coinage beginning in the mid 16th century, two hundred years before the start of the Industrial Revolution. It is based on international cooperation with the goal of discovering and promoting knowledge of a specific and little known aspect of our common Technological and Industrial Heritage.