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The E-Sylum (11/24/2013)

Book Content

King of Siam Set Publication Found
Ken Bressett writes:

Regarding David Lange's printing plate for the King of Siam set image - It was used exclusively in The Whitman Numismatic Journal of September 1964, on page 42, in an article entitled “Updating the Fantastic 1804 Dollar”, by Eric Newman. Ah yes, I remember it well.

King of Siam printing plate

Thanks! -Editor

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: KING OF SIAM SET PRINTING PLATE BOOK SOUGHT (

Goloid Metric Dollar Information Found
Regarding Roger Burdette's question about the Goloid Metric Dollar in S. K. Hartzfeld's, fourth auction sale (March 14, 1879) Dan Hamelberg writes:

The Goloid Metric Dollar in Harzfeld's 4th sale is lot 478. The listing is as follows: "478 GOLOID METRIC DOLLAR. Only 25 in existence. Extremely rare and desirable." It sold for $40.00, which is a considerable sum for March 14, 1879.

Bill Burd's information agrees, and he provides the page number. He writes:

The 1878 Goloid Metric Dollar is listed on page 19, lot # 478. My catalog has prices realized and this shows selling for $40.00.

Dave Hirt provided this information, too. Roger writes:

Please give everyone my thanks for the information. It improves on what I had...Now, if I can find the first 1880-date metric/goloid/stella sale.....

NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: NOVEMBER 17, 2013 : Hartzfeld Fourth Auction Sale Information Sought (

Another Japanese Occupation of Malaya (Singapore) Book
Bob Stewart writes:

I have a copy of the Book “The Japanese Occupation of Malaya (Singapore) and its Currency”. I got my copy from Australia. I was lucky as it came with a half dozen notes and a March 1998 envelope to the previous owner from WONG’S COLLECTIONS, who published the book. The book says 2500 copies were in the first printing, not 500 as reported earlier.

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: NOVEMBER 17, 2013 : More on Japanese Occupation of Malaya (Singapore) Book (

Cheap Holidays on Government Money
Regarding the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Sri Lanka, Jim Duncan of New Zealand offers this alternate definition:

CHOGM - Cheap Holidays on Government Money

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: SRI LANKA ISSUES NEW COMMEMORATIVE 500 RUPEE NOTE (

On Pigeon-Fancying Numismatists
Steve Rush writes:

Pete Smith, in his comments about collectors John G. Mills and George F. Seavey, asked if being a pigeon fancier and numismatist was common. In the late 1960’s through early 1970’s while a teenager, I pursued both hobbies. I raced homing pigeons and flew Pensom Rollers.

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: MORE ON COLLECTOR JOHN G. MILLS (

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