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The E-Sylum (11/17/2013)

Book Content

Although non-numismatic, this book described by philatelic literature dealer Leonard H. Hartmann in the November 15, 2013 issue of his Philatelic Bibliopole newsletter may be of interest to numismatic bibliophiles. The fields of stamps and coins were very intertwined in the 19th Century, with many of the same people and publications coving both topics. -Editor

Philatellic Literature of the 19th Century Milestones of the Philatelic Literature of the 19th Century
by Wolfgang Massen and Vincent Schouberechts

This book was published by the Club de Monte-Carlo for the 2013 exhibit. An exceptional work on the early and major philatelic literature, the books, authors and publishers, with an emphasis on the works dealing with forgers and forgeries. It is both detailed, authoritative and enjoyable to read. The only comparable study to date is the Crawford Index and the series by Dr.Manfred Amrehein. I consider it an exceptional work and not hurt too much by my small contribution. In English and French, full color, 512 pages, large format, published at €60 (we believe half the production costs) , $90 plus our standard $3 part postage and for foreign plus actual postage.

The Club de Monte-Carlo is also publishing two more volumes for 2013, the Rarity Catalog and also one on Sweden.

For more information on the Philatelic Bibliopole web site, see:

To order, see: MonacoPhil 2013 CATALOGUE ORDER FORM (

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