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The E-Sylum (11/10/2013)

Book Content

More on St. Eligius
Pabitra Saha writes: St. Eligius statue

Here is an image of St. Eligius from a local (Antwerp) silver museum. Sorry for poor photo as it was using a mobile phone.

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: MORE ON THE SAINT ELIGIUS MEDAL (

Robert Coulton Davis Photo
Mystery Numismatist Regarding David Stone's request for an image of collector Robert Coulton Davis, Pete Smith writes:

The E-Sylum has a short memory, in this case. Somebody posted a picture of Davis as a "mystery Numismatist" for the March 4, 2012, issue.

Dave Stone writes:

The E-Sylum is such a great resource for researchers. And thanks to Pete Smith who is seldom without an answer to questions about numismatic personalities. I always find his research rewarding.

Jack Howes caught this, too, as did Mark Borckardt (also of Heritage), who writes:

We also need an image of John G. Mills. I have a poor quality image that is posted on, from a 1906 Albany newspaper, but would like to find something better. These images and some others will be used (assuming we receive permission) in the cataloging of a Brasher Doubloon.

To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:

ANS Elects Fellows for 2013
From the November 2013 Enews of the American Numismatic Society:

During the October 19, 2013 regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, the following ANS Members were elected as Fellows of Society: Mr. Leonard Augsburger, Prof. Martin Beckmann, Dr. David F. Fanning, Dr. Ursula Kampmann, Dr. Hubert Lanz, Mr. Brent Pogue, Dr. Dimitris G. Portolos, Mr. Hadrien Rambach, Mr. Sydney Rothstein, Dr. Alan S. Walker, Dr. Thomas D. Wooldridge.

Congratulations to all, particularly E-Sylum contributors Len Augsburger, David Fanning, Hadrien Rambach and Ursula Kampmann! -Editor

More on the Daniel W. Valentine Medal
Regarding the Daniel W. Valentine Medal that Jerry Fochtman asked about last week, Stephen Crain forwarded this passage from an article on Valentine.:

He was commemorated on a New York Numismatic Club Presidential medal, designed by J. M. Swanson, of which there were eight silver and fifty bronze medals struck.

Jerry Fochtman writes:

Actually, there are 51 the American Numismatic Society has J. M. Swanson's strike/engravers proof, which is unnumbered.

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: DANIEL W. VALENTINE MEDAL CENSUS INFORMATION SOUGHT (

Query: First Sale of an 1880 Stella
Roger Burdette asks:

When did the first auction or private sale of a Stella dated 1880 occur?

Can anyone help? Let us know the earliest appearances of an 1880 Four Dollar Gold piece that you're aware of. Thanks. -Editor

Query: Chapman bid book for W.W.C. Wilson Sale #1 Sought
Bryce Brown writes: Chapman Bid Book WWC Wilson Sale Part 2

I want to send a big thumbs-up to Tom Wetter and his work on the NBS Wiki website. In particular, the page regarding the W.W.C. Wilson sales helped me with research regarding a new find: (photo attached).

I also learned that Chapman Bid Books for the Wilson sales #3 and #4 were part of the John .J. Ford library Part 1, sold by G.F. Kolbe in 2004.

Do any E-Sylum readers know of a Chapman bid book for WWCW sale #1?

To read the complete article, see:

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