The E-Sylum (9/22/2013)
Book Content
In the series Trouvailles et trésors monétaires en Belgique
Moneta 157, J.-L. Dengis, Trouvailles et trésors monétaires en Belgique, XVI. Provinces de Flandre Occidentale et de Flandre Orientale, L'antiquité gallo-romaine, 2013, 186 pages ISBN 978-94-91384-25-7
In the series Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History:
Moneta 156, Three Conferences on International Monetary History, Business with Money: Monetary Politics and Capital Flows in the Era of the First Globalization (2012), Small change: bronze or copper coins from Antiquity to 19th c. (2013), Transfers of precious metals and their consequences, 16th - 19th (2013),G. Depeyrot, editor with the cooperation of C. Brégianni and M. Kovalchuk, 2013, 474 p. ISBN 978-94-91384-24-0
Moneta 158, Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History, International Monetary Conferences, Conférence monétaire internationale, avril - mai 1881, Procès-verbaux (Paris, 1881) , G. Depeyrot ed., 2013, VI+354+3* p. ISBN 978-94-91384-26-6
Moneta 159, Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History, International Monetary Conferences, Conférence monétaire internationale, juin - juillet 1881, Procès-verbaux (Paris, 1881), G. Depeyrot ed., 2013, VII+238+3* p. ISBN 978-94-91384-27-1
Moneta 160, Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History, International Monetary Conferences, Republication of Translation of the Procès-verbaux of the Paris International Monetary Conference of 1881 (London, 1881), Correspondence with the India Office on the subject of the Conference (London, 1881), G. Depeyrot ed., 2013, X+236+6* p. ISBN 978-94-91384-28-8
Moneta (Wetteren, Belgium) publishes volumes on numismatics, monetary history, coin finds, from Antiquity to present times, in various languages. Catalogue on .
The series Documents and Studies on 19th c. Monetary History is linked to the DAMIN program on Silver monetary depreciation and international relations
Next volumes: Trouvailles et trésors monétaires en Belgique volume XVII (Moneta 161), volume XVII (Moneta 162).
Rare U.S. & Worldwide Banknotes, Scripophily and Autographs
âThe Copps Collectionâ of Colonial Stocks, Bonds, Documents & Fiscal Paper to be held in conjunction with the 3rd Annual Wall Street Coin, Currency & Collectibles Show.
Highlights include:
- From âThe Copps Collectionâ, A 1792 U.S. Federal Bond Issued to and Signed by George Washington, this is one of three known, the other two are in an institutions, this is the first time ever at auction
- U.S. Colonial; Obsolete; Fractional; and, Large Type Notes including a high grade âEducationalâ Set of 3 notes along with dozens of other rare banknotes.
- Worldwide Banknotes including an outstanding U.A.E. Specimen Set as well as hundreds of other rare and desirable notes.
- Hundreds of U.S. & Worldwide Stocks and bonds including autographed certificates and autographs by Daniel Drew; Thomas Edison; Buffalo Bill Cody, Robert Morris and many others.
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