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The E-Sylum (9/15/2013)

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By now many of you will have seen news stories about the heavy rains and flooding in Boulder, Colorado. But you may not realize Boulder's connection to The E-Sylum. Since its inception the NBS web site and E-Sylum archive have been hosted on servers in the Boulder area, courtesy of John Nebel and his Computer Systems Design company. John hosts web sites for several other numismatic organizations as well. Luckily the floodwaters didn't damage the site, although the situation was, shall we say, "fluid", for a while. Here are some reports from John and Susie Nulty. -Editor

Susie Nulty writes:

Some areas are really hit hard by this rain. I live near Fort Carson in the southwest part of Colorado Springs. Fort Carson reports that it has received the normal annual rainfall in the last 3 days and it was still raining Friday afternoon. Many roads are a mess but I was out earlier this morning and could get around fairly easily. There are some monster puddles. So far, my home is fine although I go down to the basement every few hours to check - all dry and I am feeling very fortunate.

John Nebel writes:

Colorado water turbulence Along the Front Range, towns are often at the foot of canyons, as an example, Boulder with several. It doesn't take much rain above a town to cause a spectacular effect, as it's usually collected over an immense mountainous area, then accelerated by gravity and funneled below into a narrow canyon mouth.

Below the canyon mouth, the water spreads out, slows down and isn't particularly dangerous to persons, but can be to property. Not too far above the water level, even in the worst places, watching is a sport, unintentionally in the water, certainly no sport.

Colorado rain chart

Wednesday rain was worse than Thursday, but both nights the Boulder creek flow rate was about 30 times normal. It will be a while before anyone really knows the extent of damage, which I think is now being exaggerated. Most people have only been inconvenienced, many not even that, which means that there is plenty of capacity to help those who really are in need.

I did spend time in the computer room both nights just in case, and many took some sort of precaution. If one lives in a canyon near a usually babbling brook, it's dangerous, and there is not a lot one can do, but move uphill, usually in the wet and cold, and at night.

But, it's a University town, and the atmosphere Friday was festive.

Here's an article on the flooding from the New York Times. -Editor

Colorado flooding Four people have died in the floods, and the authorities said Friday that 80 people had been reported as unreachable or missing. With cellphone service down and the power out, some of the missing may simply be unable to communicate with friends or family.

On Friday, thousands more Colorado residents were forced to evacuate their homes in the face of rivers and streams choked by heavy rains, dirt and debris.

In scenes that have become hauntingly familiar, families packed their cars with pets and suitcases and made their way to the nearest church or school that was offering shelter, left to wonder about the fate of their homes and neighbors. Some made it on their own, or in a neighbor’s car. Others fled on foot.

Up in the mountains, helicopters flown by the National Guard skimmed over ravaged roads to pluck scores of stranded residents from the flooded town of Jamestown.

To read the complete article, see: Colorado Floodwaters Force Thousands to Flee (

Katane tetradrachm John adds:

Thoroughly eccentric; a Boulder creek flood stranded crayfish in the Justice Center parking lot. It immediately brought to mind the Katane tetradrachm.

Colorado crayfish

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