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The E-Sylum (9/15/2013)

Book Content

Scott Goodman forwarded this announcement of a new two-volume reprint of the classic books by Gunter Kienast on the medals of Karl Goetz. The books were originally published in 1967 (Vol I) and 1986 (Vol II). Scott said recent prices for the original hardbound volumes are in the neighborhood of $400 for Vol I and $650 for Vol II. I haven't seen them sell quite that high, but they do bring a hefty price. Regardless, $135 for the pair of softbound reprints is a great deal in comparison. -Editor

The Medals of Karl X. Goetz: Kienast Volumes I & II Redux
Author: Gunter W. Kienast
ISBN-13: Volume I: 978-1492251576, Volume II: 978-1492251620
ISBN-10: Volume I: 1492251577, Volume II: 1492251623
Format: 8.5” X 11”, Two Volumes, Black and white, Trade Paper, Softbound
Pages: Volume I: 308, Volume II: 194
Publisher: Henry Scott Goodman/
Price: $135, sold in sets only.

Goetz Vol_I_COVER Goetz Vol_II_COVER

Hello Goetz collectors and enthusiasts!

The continued price increases for original hardbound Kienast Volumes I & II forced our decision to reprint this source material as a set. These reprints can serve to ‘even the playing field’ for potential collectors and others who could not find, and/or, afford copies of Kienast’s original books. Flying blind while trying to collect anything, especially Goetz material, is not a recommended practice. Reprint numbers of the set will be determined by actual demand.

These reprints are exact copies of Kienast’s original two volumes and as such do not contain any new information. For those of you requiring fresh information about Goetz medals, use these volumes as reference while visiting our web site at: Although a work in progress, our galleries should provide any additional medal types, varieties, sizes, and metal compositions lacking, or not found, in these original books.

We wish to express our continued gratitude to G.W. Kienast for his generosity resulting in our ability to carry the story of Karl Goetz into the 21st Century.

Lastly, a generous portion of the revenue generated from these reprint sales will be contributed to the recurrent maintenance fees for the Goetz Family burial plot located in the Westfriedhof (West Cemetery), Munich, Germany.

Please order the two volume sets directly from the www.karlgoetzmedals web site. Make sure to follow the ordering instructions to ensure you receive free shipping within the contiguous 48 States.

To order, see:

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