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The E-Sylum (9/8/2013)

Book Content

Tim Clough forwarded this press release on behalf of CONECA about a new e-book by Dr. James Wiles. Thanks. -Editor

Ultra Modern Doubled Dies Dr. James Wiles, Ph.D. has recently released his newest E–Book, Ultra Modern Doubled Dies 1996 – 2012 based on the files and numbering system of CONECA (Combined Organizations of Numismatic Error Collectors of America).

Dr. Wiles has been researching, cataloging, and attributing twentieth and now twenty-first century U.S. coins for CONECA since the mid 1990s and he has also written several printed books on many of the different denominations of modern U.S. coinage over this time period. For the past few years, Dr. Wiles has focused on publishing E–Books because they are environmentally friendly and they keep the purchase price of the E–Book affordable. Another added benefit of using this modern technology is that more digital photographs can be included showing the different stages and markers of the die varieties.

Dr. Wiles has now taken his E-Books to the next level by posting updates of the varieties and photographs on his website, When Dr. Wiles attributes and lists a new variety, reports a new stage of a previously listed variety, or gets a chance to post a better photo of the variety, he does so on the website.

If you have previously purchased one of Dr. Wiles’ E-Books or are thinking about purchasing your first, you don't have to wait any longer to find out what has changed. Variety Vista’s website (linked above) is periodically updated as new photographs are taken for the following E-Books:

E-Books Wiles

1. Top 100 Lincoln Cent RPMs & OMMs published in 2007.
2. The Lincoln Cent RPM Book, Volume 1 (1909 – 1958) published in 2010.
3. What Are Die Varieties? published in 2011.
4. The Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Book, Volume 1 (1909 – 1958) published in 2011.
5. Ultra Modern Doubled Dies: The Single Squeeze Era (1996 – 2012) published in 2013.

On, you have access to the most updated information available, so visit the website today, purchase your new books, and enjoy the hobby. All E-Books are $30 each except the Top 100 Lincoln Cent RPMs & OMMs is only $20. Shipping and handling is $4.00 per package and up to 3 E-Books can fit into a single package. Send your check or money order to:

James Wiles
1490 Trail View Lane
Frisco, TX 75034


Using PayPal, send payment to:

The Combined Organizations of Numismatic Error Collectors of America (CONECA pronounced: CÔ´NECA) is an international organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on all numismatic errors and varieties including doubled dies, re-punched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers -- just to name a few. CONECA publishes an educational journal, Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. The digital version of Errorscope is also available in the “Members-Only-Area” going back nearly ten years. CONECA offers a lending library, examination and attribution services. Members receive discounts on examination and attribution fees.

Persons wanting to join CONECA should contact Rachel Irish by email at or 3807 Belmont Road, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815.

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