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The E-Sylum (8/18/2013)

Book Content

Responding to an article about the lack of women on Bank of England notes, Joe Boling wrote:

I quote: "The move comes after the Bank faced criticism that a plan for Winston Churchill to feature on the new fiver meant there would not be a woman on any English note." When did Queen Elizabeth become male?

In an attempt at humor in the August 4, 2013 issue, I wrote:

She had the operation in 1985. You all know the medical name of the procedure to turn a woman into a man, right? An "addadictomy"... -Editor

To which Ron Guth wrote:

I fear the E-Sylum might have been hacked by the likes of Anthony Weiner or Bob Filner (our mayor here in San Diego). using the name "Editor." That's the only explanation I can think of for the "addadictomy" reference in the latest issue.

In response, Fred Michaelson penned a limerick:

Ron Guth said Wayne was rude
To include a word so lewd.
(Now I did hear a rumor
that Ron's without humor.)
My conclusion is he's a prude.

PS---Addadictomy was a GEM.

I forwarded the verse to Ron for comment, and he replied thusly:

Dear author of the limerick,
Your rhyme cut me to the quick,
But in my defense,
Wayne's word caused offense,
My sensitivities it did prick.

Just to be clear Ron certainly has a sense of humor in this; here's another of his verses:

Wayne wasn't rude,
He was just a little crude,
And I ain't no prude,
I've never worn a snood,
I liked "Hey Jude",
And I love Thai food,
What else do you nood (I mean need).

Finally, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II writes:

So not to stiffen me
Wayne had an epiphany
To undo the curse
He operated reverse
And gave me a lopitophomy

Now to bring the discussion back to books, if not numismatics, be aware that there are some who say QEII's namesake Queen Elizabeth I was actually a man. -Editor

QueenElizabethMan Was Queen Elizabeth I a man? My current projects are related to that intriguing legend.

Ever since I read the article about Queen Elizabeth I rumors, I’ve been researching the history of that particular rumor and the evidence to support it.

My first discovery was Bram Stoker’s final nonfiction work, a book called Famous Impostors.

To read the complete article, see: Was Queen Elizabeth I a Man? Two New Books. (

To read the original Daily Mail article, see: Is this proof the Virgin Queen was an imposter in drag? Shocking new theory about Elizabeth I unearthed in historic manuscripts (

To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: AUGUST 11, 2013: Humor Rubs Ron Wrong (

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