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The E-Sylum (8/18/2013)

Book Content

As a bibliophile and collector of U.S. numismatica I've been anxious to publish more about how E-Sylum readers can obtain hardbound copies of the new series of John J. Ford sale catalogs. Below is some information from Brian Kendrella of Stack's Bowers Galleries.

From 2003 to 2007 the Stack's firm held twenty-one sales of Ford material, realizing some $60 million if memory serves. This year the Stack's Bowers Galleries firm resumed the series with three more sales, two of which were held at this week's American Numismatic Association convention in Chicago and are available online. -Editor

SBG_ANA_Ford_22_CVR_FINAL.indd SBG_AugANA2013_ForXXIIITokens_Cover.indd
Softbound Ford sales 22 and 23

Brian Kendrella writes:

We will be offering a limited number of the three catalog set (volumes XXII and XXIII from the ANA and volume XXIV from the upcoming Philadelphia Sale) for $150 including shipping. We will take orders but the three catalog set probably won't mail until November. To order your set, please email or call 800-458-4646.

Stack's Ford sales hardbound
A set of Ford Hardbound Sales 1-21

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: MORE JOHN J. FORD TOKENS AND MEDALS COMING TO AUCTION (

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