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The E-Sylum (8/10/2013)

Book Content

Fred Michaelson submitted a couple more examples of similarities in coin designs. Thanks! -Editor

Gallic Barber

Charles Barber's obverse was dictated by Mint Director Edward Leech. He told Barber to pattern it after the French portrait of the Goddess Ceres, seen here on the One Franc coin. Barber wasn't too keen on the idea, but the boss insisted; and since he wanted to keep his job, Barber complied.

Gallic Weinman

The other is Adolph Weinman's Walking Liberty Half. He was influenced by the French sower series. The sower of seeds was a popular icon in French art. The influence is obvious. The French may have given us some nice coin ideas, but what we showed them was of much greater significance: how to get rid of a tyrant.

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