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The E-Sylum (6/30/2013)

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Here's another group of new coin designs that caught my eye in recent weeks. All were forwarded by Pabitra Saha. Thanks! -Editor

Hungary Sándor Weöres Commemorative
This coin from Hungary "devoted to the 100th anniversary of birth of Sándor Weöres (1913-1989) noted Hungarian poet, writer, literary translator and scholar of the early 20th century." I like the unusual pose of the seated figure - I don't think I've ever seen a pose like this on a coin.

Hungary Sándor Weöres

2013 Spain 10 Euro Cervantes Coin
wyoming-quarter Pabitra Saha also sent the below image of Spain's new of Miguel de Cervantes coin. "At left are depicted the silhouetted figures of Don Quixote of La Mancha and Sancho Panza. The obverse portrays the likeness of His Majesty King Juan Carlos I." I don't like this one - those silhouettes remind me of the horrible flat cowboy on the Wyoming state quarter.

Spain 10 Euro Cervantes coin

Lithuania 50 Litu coin
Here's a Lithuanian 50 Litu coin on the 2013 Presidency of the Council of the European Union. I can't make heads or tails of this flat, crowded design. What a mess!

Lithuania 50 Litu coin
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