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The E-Sylum (6/2/2013)

Book Content

There's a nice article in the May 30, 2013 issue of CoinsWeekly about numismatic references in the diary of Samuel Pepys. Here's an excerpt. -Editor

… ‘and at my goldsmith’s I did observe the King’s new medal, where, in little, there is Mrs. Steward’s face as well done as ever I saw anything in my whole life, I think: and a pretty thing it is, that he should choose her face to represent Britannia by.’ – From the diary of Samuel Pepys, entry from February 25, 1667.

Early in the year 1667, the chief die cutter of the London Mint, John Roettiers, designed a medal for the English king. This medal shows the portrait of Charles II with long hair and laurel wreath on its obverse. The inscription translates: Charles II, King by grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland. On the reverse, Britannia proudly looks at the English fleet. The inscription reads: by favor of God. One of the rare specimens of this medal in gold will be auctioned off in the upcoming auction of Künker’s in Osnabrück, in the week from June 17 to 21, 2013, together with many more medals dealing with the subject ‘Pax in Nummis’.

Treaty of Breda medal obverse Treaty of Breda medal reverse
Medal by J. Roettiers on the Treaty of Breda.

This medal is a beautiful testimony to the major power policy of Charles II who planned to cut out the Netherlands from their role as leading trading nation. That had been the intent of Oliver Cromwell already, who had made a war against the Netherlands from 1652-1654. Apart from a highly lucrative treaty, England had gained 120 million pounds booty alone. That was a proud sum, considering the fact that all government expenses in 1652/3 amounted to 53 million pounds only. Now it was Charles II who was in need of money. The English navy commander summarized as follows: ‘Who really cares about this reason or any other? What we need is a further part of the trade the Dutchmen are having right now.'

The medal is being offered in an upcoming Kuenker auction. -Editor

To read the complete article, see: From the diary of Samuel Pepys (

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