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The E-Sylum (5/26/2013)

Book Content

Alan M. Stahl, Curator of Numismatics at Firestone Library, Princeton University forwarded this announcement relating to the Survey of Numismatic Research 2008-2013. Thanks. -Editor

Survey Numismatic Research 2002-2007 I have been asked by the International Numismatic Council to compile the following bibliographies for the upcoming Survey of Numismatic Research 2008-2013: ‘Coins: USA and Canada’, and ‘Medals: USA and Canada.’ These listings will be part of a large bibliography of recent work in numismatics (of all countries and all eras) to appear at the next International Numismatic Congress, to be held in Taormina, Sicily, in September, 2015.

According to the instructions sent to me, “The purpose of the Survey is to provide a critical (but not polemical) commentary on recent work. It is a selection of the most important works that brought new material or new ideas and methods to the field in the past six years (and those are not necessarily the longest: two pages on a new coin can change a chronology). It is not intended to be exhaustive nor a list of publications that nowadays can easily be found elsewhere. As well as covering the principal works, it will also indicate the general directions of thought and changes during the period under review.” All work cited must bear a publication date from 2008 to 2013 inclusive.

In compiling these listings, I will rely of course to a great extent on past issues of The E-Sylum for publications that have been noted there. However, I would also be grateful for the suggestion of any other works that might be included. Please send the titles and publication information to me at in the next couple of months; my first draft is due in January, 2014.

Alan M. Stahl
Curator of Numismatics
Firestone Library, RBSC
One Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544
(609) 258-9127

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