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The E-Sylum (3/10/2013)

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Here are a few new coin designs that caught my eye this week. -Editor

Blue Whale
Mentioned in the March 6, 2013 Coin Update:

Blue Whale coin

The Government of South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands have issued (1st March) an unusual new coin which celebrates the largest known animal ever to exist – the Blue Whale. This stunning new coin is being issued as an amazing Blue Titanium coin in honor of this wondrous animal and features an image of a Blue Whale with her calf swimming in the sea with the sun’s rays penetrating the water.

To read the complete article, see: Alluring Blue Titanium Coin Features Blue Whale (

Silver Salmon
There's something fishy going on here. Pabitra Saha forwarded this Silver Salmon 20 Latu coin from Latvia. Thanks!

Silver Salmon coin obverse Silver Salmon coin reverse

Official 2013 Vatican Sede Vacante Coin Designs
Pabitra Saha forwarded an image of the official Vatican Sede Vacante coin designs we've been waiting for. Thanks!

Offical Vatican Sede Vacante coin design

Offical Vatican Sede Vacante silver coin design.jpeg

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: VATICAN RELEASES PLANS FOR 2013 SEDE VACANTE COINS (

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