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The E-Sylum (2/10/2013)

Book Content

Wayne Homren

New subscribers this week include Shanna Schmidt, courtesy of Dr. Ute Wartenberg Kagan, Finn Jørgensen of Denmark, Charalambos (Babis) Vogias, and Jeff Benjamin. Welcome aboard! We have 1,624 email subscribers, plus 210 followers on Facebook.

A number of our readers in the Northeastern U.S. have been dealing with a major blizzard this weekend. Dick Johnson in Connecticut writes:

We had 28 inches of snow with drifts up to 4 and 5 feet. Both doors were blocked by snow drifts, and we had to exit through the garage door. A snow plow has done our driveway twice and still must come back to eliminate some more snow drifts. Thank goodness for TV, computers and books to read. We have stayed indoors for two days, maybe another tomorrow. No loss of power.

Stay safe and warm, everyone. Luckily we've been spared here in Northern Virginia. It was cold but clear and sunny today, although the winds knocked some shingles off our roof Friday night.

This week we open with a report on NBS donations to the ANS library and a reminder about the closing date of the Kolbe-Fanning Ephemera Sale #1.

Other topics include an early ANA offprint, fake silver bars, the Prophylactic Tooth Brush Company, John Huffman, J.H. Alexander, Grover Criswell, Robert C. Gray and Ben Franklin's original design concept for the Great Seal of the United States.

To learn more about the PCGS Coin Sniffer, the Friedrich Krupp firm, Amazon Coins, the keys to Fort Knox, a descent into “la-la land", and Col. E.H.R. Green's coin-buying habit, read on. Have a great week, everyone!

Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum

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