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The E-Sylum (2/3/2013)

Book Content

Wayne Homren

New subscribers this week include Katie Rissetto of the American Numismatic Society, Dennis Forgue, Louis Caravella and Stanley Campbell. Welcome aboard! We have 1,622 email subscribers, plus 210 followers on Facebook.

This week we open with information on the latest issue of our print journal, The Asylum, followed by notes from numismatic booksellers Kolbe & Fanning. Next up are announcements of SIX new books and three numismatic book reviews.

Other topics include the recently sold 1794 dollar, George Walton and his 1913 Liberty Head nickel, the 125th anniversary of The Numismatist, the making of this year's Superbowl coin, and a new technology for creating numismatic items.

To learn more about French medallic art, the pattern and experimental pieces of WWII, ephemera of commemorative coinage, Krupp minting equipment, The Richest Man in Confederate Money, The Man Who Slept in the Library of Parliament, bank note engraver F.O.C. Darley and the medal that came from the sewer, read on. Have a great week, everyone!

Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum

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