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The E-Sylum (1/27/2013)

Book Content

Westphalia One Billion Mark Coin
David M. Sundman writes:

Since this discussion continues, here are two images of the scarce One Billion Mark, (long scale) Notgeld from Westphalia. In the U.S. we’d call this One Trillion marks.

1_Billion_Mark__60mm_1923 1_Billion_Mark_rev_1923
Westphalia One Billion/One Trillion Mark Coin

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: JANUARY 20, 2013: On German Hyperinflation (

Labor Exchange Note Sizes
Regarding my comment on the different sizes of Labor Exchange notes, Wendell Wolka writes:

Labor Exchange notes come in several sizes depending on the denomination as well as at least two different colors.

Labor Exchange notes - size difference

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: ADDITIONAL LABOR EXCHANGE NOTES (

The Traveling Liberty Bell
Ron Guth wrties:

Centennial Medal: Reverse of Baker 397 The article on the Washington-Liberty Bell Centennial Medal in your January 20, 2013 issue reminded me that the Liberty Bell was a featured exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in 1915 in San Francisco. The U.S. government actually sent this sacred American treasure on a specially constructed railcar to the Exposition, with several whistle stops along the way for public viewings. The events are recorded in various photographs, postcards and booklets from the period. The first time I heard of this I was incredulous; one can only imagine the improbability of a repeat occurrence today.


Jules Fonrobert Sale Catalog Available on Google Books
Jules Fonrobert catalog Dave Bowers writes:

If it wasn’t mentioned, the entire Fonrobert sale catalog is on Google Books—free download. The Fonrobert catalog has far and away the most detailed descriptions of low- and medium-value U.S. tokens, many worth less than a dollar at the time!

Thanks! The link is below. Check it out - what a fabulous collection (and catalog). -Editor

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: MORE ON JULES FONROBERT (

To read the Fonrobert catalog on Google Books, see: Die Jules Fonrobert'sche sammlung überseeischer münzen und medaillen

How Much is That Nugget Worth ...?
Last week we quoted an article which stated, “An amateur prospector has discovered a once-in-a-lifetime find in the most unlikely of places - finding a huge lump of gold worth £200,000 in the Australian bush.”

John Regitko of Toronto, Ontario writes:

How much is it worth outside the Australian bush, say, in Melbourne?

Get it? Dumb, but then I’m Canadian, eh!

Dan Demeo writes:

The story seems to mix freely avoirdupois ounces (28.4 grams) with Troy ounces (31.1 grams). 16 avoirdupois ounces make up our common pound, 454 grams. 12 Troy ounces make a Troy pound, an obsolete measure, but the Troy ounce is the measure used for evaluating precious metals, like gold. However you measure it, 5 1/2 pounds of gold is certainly not an insignificant amount, nearly 100 troy ounces. At least they didn't give its weight in stones, and I'm sure it was more interesting than an old bonnet (car hood--have to translate, it's written in English).

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: AUSTRALIAN MAN FINDS MASSIVE GOLD NUGGET (

Kerry Rodgers' Article on Ing Ing Jong
Ing_Ing_Jong Last week's article about Perth Mint coin designer Ing Ing Jong was based on an article by Kerry Rodgers. The article was in World Coin news and is available on

To read the original article, see: Perth Illustrator Brings Snake to Life (

To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see: PERTH MINT COIN DESIGNER ING ING JONG (

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